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Howdy, my name is Rev.Ray Pylant. I'm a Minister since 1970, I've always been a go-getter since I was at an early age. I started several companies one typical one I called it "Landscape Unlimited" it had been in business saving people money & Time plus it stopped scammers in their tracks. For 29+ years we were in business. The business was Given away Free to some people to help them get out of poverty. I do not doubt God has a lot to do about this, and I'm sure he will with The new Business He has me to start. God is going to have me bring back The Company a Total Different way in such a way that it is impossible in the eye's of our human reasoning and eyes, I have always done the impossible anyway so this will be no different, I meet challenges head-on. This new company is called [ U.R.M.] = "Unlimited Resources Ministry"= it's a Business & Ministry Combined, 1st of it's kind. Bringing business' & people to work together, but no charge for the services being done for the people in need. For all the funds come from Donations like you that help the cause Thank you. For anyone that is or has been in a crisis of earthquakes, fires, floods, tornados, tidal waves, your name we will be there helping the needy no matter what. it is by donations WHETHER IT IS MONEY, SUPPLIES OF FOOD, SUPPLIES LUMBER god's word and ministry to help people everywhere. This will be far more stunning than any mountain cap. We will be able to provide a means to get kids away from the drugs that are plaguing the streets. This will enable them to go out and be responsible adults. There is much in our live's man wants and does not want, But what he be a blunt society are afraid of change, like electing the right president to make them better and safer schools stand up and Be heard but do not get hurt uh.
Thank you again for helping our cause.
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